Proposed Projects
Greenlawn Cemetery was established in 1829, and, although our diligent city employees have worked hard to maintain this local treasure, there are some things that are in need of repair or restoration. Some of the projects we hope to tackle are the digitization of all existing cemetery records, map each grave, restore the chapel, improve security, remodel the office, and identify, catalog, and photograph the historic trees. We need each and every one of you to help us achieve these goals and every little bit helps. If you cannot donate please consider volunteering, during a cleanup day or let us know if you have a special skill that we could utilize.

Chapel Restoration (~$125,000)
The simple, elegant Greenlawn Chapel was constructed in 1884 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The chapel was constructed with hand-cut sandstone brought in by riverboat then delivered to the graveyard by horse-drawn wagon.
Beneath the chapel are four large vaults covered by hand-cut stones. These vaults were used in the 1800s to store coffins during the winter when the ground was frozen and graves could not be dug. Each holds three or four coffins.
The chapel is starting to show its age and one of our top goals is to restore this iconic building to its former glory and add a Memory Garden, a beautiful place for peaceful reflection. Construction is currently underway.

Identifying, Cataloging, and Photographing all Historic Trees
Greenlawn Cemetery is home to many beautiful, old trees. We hope to identify, catalog, and photograph all of the historic trees in the cemetery.

Welcome Gate
Recreating the original entryway arch on Offner Street.

Monument Restoration
There are many tombstones in need of cleaning, repairing, and leveling. As there are over 88,000 graves, we know it will be a large task and will take community involvement.

Digitizing all Existing Cemetery Records with Gravesite Mapping (~$21,000)
We plan to bring Greenlawn Cemetery into the 21st century by digitizing all existing cemetery records and establishing gravesite mapping so that visitors can more easily honor the person they are looking for or learn more about their ancestors.
We hope to install new lighting, security cameras, and fencing to protect the community's investment in this peaceful urban green space.

Office Remodeling
We plan to update the office at Greenlawn Cemetery to better serve the public. This will include an information board and map on the east wall.

Mausoleum Restoration
Greenlawn Cemetery has two large mausoleums over 100 years old. We hope to restore them to their former grandeur.

We hope to restore/recreate the fencing around the historic family plots.